SCA Software Composition Analysis

SCA Software Composition Analysis

Detect vulnerabilities in third-party and open-source libraries, assess license compliance issues, and provide actionable insights for risk mitigation. Testing mitigates security risks and legal exposures associated with third-party software usage.

Vulnerability Identification in Open-Source Components

Detect known vulnerabilities within third-party and open-source libraries integrated into software applications.

License Compliance Analysis

Evaluate the compliance of open-source licenses to manage legal risks associated with third-party software usage.

Security Risk Assessment

Provide a comprehensive assessment of security risks posed by open-source components, including severity and potential impact.

Mitigation and Remediation Guidance

Offer actionable recommendations for addressing identified vulnerabilities and license compliance issues, including updating, replacing, or configuring components securely.


Our SCA approach with Veracode involves a detailed methodology tailored to the unique challenges of managing open-source components:

  • Automated Component Scanning:Utilize Veracode’s SCA technology to automatically scan software codebases for open-source and third-party components, identifying known vulnerabilities and analysing license information.
  • Comprehensive Vulnerability Database: Leverage Veracode’s extensive database of known vulnerabilities and license information to accurately assess the security and compliance risks of detected components. 
  • Risk Prioritization: Prioritize identified vulnerabilities based on severity, exploitability, and potential impact on the application, facilitating efficient remediation planning.
  • Continuous Monitoring: Provide ongoing monitoring of open-source components to detect newly discovered vulnerabilities and compliance issues as they arise.

Testing Scope

The scope of SCA with Veracode encompasses a wide range of activities related to the management of open-source components, including:

Vulnerability Detection:

Identification of known security vulnerabilities within third-party and open-source libraries used by the application.

License Compliance:

Analysis of open-source licenses for compliance with organizational policies and legal requirements.

Dependency Mapping:

Creation of a comprehensive inventory of open-source components, including direct and transitive dependencies, to understand the full extent of third-party software usage.

Our Deliverables

Clients will receive a detailed report and ongoing technical support until all risks have been removed.

Executive Summary:

A high-level overview of the analysis process, key findings, and an executive risk summary.

Detailed Vulnerability Report:

In-depth descriptions of each identified vulnerability, including its location in the code, risk rating, potential impact, and evidence.

Compliance and Best Practices Review:

An assessment of the application’s adherence to industry security standards and recommendations for alignment with best practices.

Remediation Recommendations:

Step-by-step guidance for remediating identified vulnerabilities, along with suggestions for improving coding practices to enhance security.

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