Network Penetration Test

Network Penetration Test

Network Penetration Testing simulates real-world cyber-attacks under controlled conditions, aiming to uncover hidden vulnerabilities, misconfigurations, and security weaknesses in network devices, systems, and applications. Network Penetration Testing provides valuable insights into how an attacker could gain unauthorized access or cause harm, thereby allowing the organization to fortify its defences proactively.

Exploit Vulnerabilities

Actively exploit identified vulnerabilities to understand their potential impact on the organization's security posture.

Assess Security Controls

Evaluate the effectiveness of current security controls and mechanisms in detecting, preventing, and responding to attacks.

Identify Security Weaknesses

Discover security weaknesses that could be exploited by attackers, including those in network architecture, device configurations, and encryption protocols.

Enhance Defensive Strategies

Provide actionable recommendations to improve security measures, patch vulnerabilities, and enhance the organization's overall resilience against cyber-attacks.


Our Network Penetration Testing methodology adheres to industry best practices and frameworks, such as the Penetration Testing Execution Standard (PTES) and the Open Web Application Security Project (OWASP). It encompasses: 

  • Reconnaissance: Gathering information about the target network to identify potential entry points and vulnerabilities. 
  • Scanning and Enumeration: Using automated tools to scan the network for vulnerabilities and enumerate services, open ports, and applications. 
  • Exploitation: Actively exploiting identified vulnerabilities to gain unauthorized access or escalate privileges within the network. 
  • Post-Exploitation: Assessing the impact of successful exploits, including data access, system control, and lateral movement capabilities. 
  • Reporting and Debriefing: Providing a detailed report of findings, exploited vulnerabilities, and recommendations for remediation, followed by a debriefing session with key stakeholders.

Testing Scope

Network Penetration Testing covers various components and aspects of an organization’s network, including:

External Network Testing:

Evaluating the security of external-facing network components, such as web servers, email servers, and firewalls.

Internal Network Testing:

Assessing the security within the internal network, including internal servers, workstations, and network devices.

Wireless Network Testing:

Examining the security of wireless networks, including Wi-Fi access points and protocols.

Device and System Security:

Testing the security configurations and controls of network devices and systems against known vulnerabilities and exploits.

Our Deliverables

Clients will receive a detailed report and ongoing technical support until all risks have been removed.

Executive Summary:

A high-level overview of the analysis process, key findings, and an executive risk summary.

Detailed Vulnerability Report:

In-depth descriptions of each identified vulnerability, including its location in the code, risk rating, potential impact, and evidence.

Compliance and Best Practices Review:

An assessment of the application’s adherence to industry security standards and recommendations for alignment with best practices.

Remediation Recommendations:

Step-by-step guidance for remediating identified vulnerabilities, along with suggestions for improving coding practices to enhance security.

Contact Us

Our team of experienced security professionals is committed to delivering actionable results to enhance your organisations security posture. Please click the ‘Contact Us’ button below to get in touch with our team.

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