CREST Approved Penetration Testing in Asia

CREST Approved Penetration Testing in Asia

CREST membership helps our clients independently verify our expertise in providing professional penetration testing services to the highest industry standards.

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10 reasons why Vantage Point chooses CREST and the benefits for our clients.

  1. Assurance of Quality and Standards

CREST accreditation ensures that the firm adheres to the highest standards of quality and professionalism. The Vantage Point Security undergoes rigorous assessment processes and must continually meet these high standards to maintain its accreditation.

  1. Skilled and Qualified Professionals

CREST-certified firms employ highly skilled and qualified professionals who have passed challenging examinations and possess up-to-date knowledge and skills in penetration testing.

  1. Ethical and Professional Conduct

As a CREST member company, Vantage Point Security must adhere to strict codes of conduct and ethical standards. This ensures that the testing is carried out in a professional and ethical manner, minimizing risks and maintaining the integrity of the testing process.

  1. Comprehensive and Reliable Testing

CREST-approved firms provide thorough and reliable penetration testing services, ensuring all potential vulnerabilities are identified and addressed. Their methodologies are comprehensive and follow industry best practices.

  1. Credibility and Trust

CREST accreditation provides an additional level of credibility and trust. Our clients and stakeholders can have confidence in the results and recommendations provided by Vantage Point Security as a CREST-approved firm.

  1. Up-to-date with Latest Threats and Technologies

CREST-approved firms stay current with the latest threats, vulnerabilities, and technologies. Vantage Point Security continuously update their skills and knowledge to provide the most effective and relevant penetration testing services.

  1. Global Recognition

CREST is an internationally recognized accreditation body. Choosing a CREST-approved firm can be advantageous for organizations with a global presence or those looking to adhere to international standards.

  1. Regulatory and Compliance Benefits

Many regulatory frameworks and industry standards recognize or require penetration testing by CREST-approved firms. This can help organizations meet compliance requirements more easily.

  1. Detailed and Actionable Reporting

CREST-approved firms provide detailed and actionable reports that help organizations understand their security posture and take effective measures to mitigate identified risks.

  1. Continuous Improvement and Support

These firms often offer ongoing support and advice, helping organizations improve their security over time and respond effectively to emerging threats.

Identify Security Vulnerabilities

Discover and document vulnerabilities that could be exploited by attackers.

Risk Assessment

Evaluate the potential impact and likelihood of identified vulnerabilities.

Compliance Verification

Ensure that the web application meets relevant security standards and compliance requirements.

Security Enhancement

Provide actionable recommendations to mitigate identified risks and enhance overall security.


Our testing methodologies incorporate industry-standard practices and are aligned with globally recognized frameworks such as OWASP (Open Web Application Security Project). We utilise both automated and manual testing techniques to ensure comprehensive coverage.

Testing Scope

The scope of Web Application Security Testing includes, but is not limited to:

Authentication and Authorization Checks:

Verify mechanisms for user identification and access control.

Input Validation Testing:​

Test for vulnerabilities such as SQL injection, XSS (Cross-Site Scripting), and CSRF (Cross-Site Request Forgery).

Configuration Management Testing:

Review security configurations and deployment settings.

Session Management Testing:

Assess the security of user session management mechanisms.

Data Encryption:

Evaluate the implementation of data encryption protocols to protect sensitive information.

Our Deliverables

Clients will receive a detailed report and ongoing technical support until all risks have been removed.

Executive Summary:

A high-level overview of the analysis process, key findings, and an executive risk summary.

Detailed Vulnerability Report:

In-depth descriptions of each identified vulnerability, including its location in the code, risk rating, potential impact, and evidence.

Compliance and Best Practices Review:

An assessment of the application’s adherence to industry security standards and recommendations for alignment with best practices.

Remediation Recommendations:

Step-by-step guidance for remediating identified vulnerabilities, along with suggestions for improving coding practices to enhance security.

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